A Better High


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A Better High is a powerful tool that can change attitudes about alcohol and drugs. It actually teaches and encourages young people to get high — in safe, positive and natural ways. Author Matt Bellace holds a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and has been involved in youth drug and alcohol prevention efforts since high school. Most importantly, Matt is a passionate and effective speaker who presents his message with humor and lots of audience interaction. He captures that passion in the pages of his book. A Better High offers students, teachers and parents a positive way to talk about alcohol and drugs — and many wholesome ways to get high every day.

“Young people need to feel empowered in their schools and communities. It's not enough to ask them to stay away from drugs and alcohol. We need to show them positive things they can do instead, both for themselves and others!” – Matt Bellace

A Better High, Chapter by Chapter:

1. How to Get High Naturally.
2. Laughing, Smiling and Other Highs Better Than Cocaine.
3. Running, Surfing and Other Highs Better Than Weed.
4. Eating, Cooking and Other Highs Better Than Alcohol.
5. Helping, Listening and Other Highs Better Than Being Selfish.
6. Loving, Caring and Other Highs Better Than Hurting Yourself.
7. Unhealthy Natural Highs.
8. Creating Your Own Natural High.


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